Mar 2010
Guidelines for an Effective “Contact Us” Page
By Bob Speyer and Kristin Tomlinson, Web Success Team
The “Contact Us” page is required for any business that has created a website and is important in providing significant details about the company. Contact Us is extremely valuable because it allows potential customers a clear channel to reach your business, let them know where your company is located and is an avenue of communication to ask questions or make requests.
Below are seven take-a-ways to consider when constructing an effective Contact Us page:
1. Company Name: Your corporate identity should appear big and bold at the top of the page so people can immediately identify it. You want your company name to essentially “pop” and be in the mind of readers at all times. Place your website link buttons on the left side of the page so that its easier to get to another web page.
2. Page Design: Construct your page so information is easy to locate and don’t put unnecessary information on the page. Your layout and design should be crisp, clear and appealing. Readers will not read the information if it is not to the point.
3. Font Usage: Use a clean font that it’s easy on the eyes. Your contact information should be in block format under your company name so that a reader’s attention is immediately drawn to it.
4. Make it Simple: Only include your mailing address, phone number and email address. The page doesn’t require any extra information. You can also link the “Contact Us” phrase to an email page that is automatically populated with your company name in the “To” box and ready for the visitor to deliver a message to you.
5. Multiple Contacts: If you have a large business or multiple employees, make sure to write every different phone number and email address for each department and person. Also, include the department name and the particular person that would be in charge. This will make it more convenient for customers to reach the specific person they want to contact.
6. Working Links: Make sure the links work on the contact information. It appears negligent, careless, and unprofessional to readers when there are broken links.
7. Redirect to FAQ Page: To keep emails down to a minimum, direct readers to your FAQ page. Most of the time readers just want answers to frequently asked questions and a FAQ page can answer their concerns directly.
Following these basic guidelines will ensure a more reliable “Contact Us” page that will be accurate, organized, dependable, and informational. These steps will provide an efficient page that readers can rely on to provide support, assistance, and guidance in regard to their needs and your business.
The Web Success Team specializes in developing and marketing direct response websites that take full advantage of the latest developments on the Internet. The Team has an arsenal of effective web strategies, online marketing tools and proven customized social media techniques to promote your products and services. And we’ll show you ways to increase the amount of qualified traffic to your site.
For more tips, tools and articles of interest, become a fan of the WebSuccessTeam Facebook page and learn more about online marketing, SEO and social media. Visit us at https://www.facebook.com/WebSuccessTeam. Contact the Team today for a complimentary consultation to your web success
March 10th, 2010 17:48 /
Do you have a mailing list? If so I am interested in being a part of it.