Nov 2010
A Time to Feast on Turkey and Thanksgiving
By Kristin Tomlinson, Web Success Team
The Holidays are a time where people come from near and far to reconnect, rejuvenate, reflect and rejoice. Thanksgiving is a great way to get back in sync with someone you’ve lost touch with or possibly repair old ties that have previously been severed. It’s a holiday that brings good times, delicious food and expanding waistlines!
I can’t wait to take a swing at the Pumpkin Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe I’ve been eyeing for a while now, in addition to helping my parents cook the turkey. I find it fascinating how a single holiday can bring out various traditions in every family – from turkey inspired games, apple bobbing, watching the Macy’s Day Parade or making a wish on the coveted wishbone, this is a day for feasting and recreation. Thanksgiving always seems to fill a home with laughter, love, . . . and of course, football!
A lot has changed at the WST since last Thanksgiving. This year has been one of the most amazing ever and we’re so thankful for every single experience and opportunity we’ve had. We all have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all our wonderful fans, clients, friends and family! We appreciate you all!
About the Author: Kristin Tomlinson is an online marketer, social media strategist and works for the Web Success Team. You can follow her @websuccess or join the Web Success Team Facebook Page
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