Mar 2011
Does Fear Inhibit Your Facebook Productivity?
By Justin Delos Reyes – Web Success Team
Businesses are recognizing the value of social media but are still timid about the most productive ways to utilize it. Some of their hesitation or fears bring to mind questions like, “Is it worth my time?,” “How am I going to manage everything?,” “Will my company look foolish?,” and “Is it a good allocation of resources?”
This weekend I visited my optometrist for my annual check-up. Aside from the usual small talk we engage in, she told me her husband encouraged her to join Facebook to promote her business. Needless to say, she’s terrified of the work she’ll have to put in to ensure her business is represented correctly.
I tell you this because the fears you may have about putting your brand in the social media space can be real. So are your concerns about spending money and using company resources on something you’re unfamiliar with. But in today’s hyper-competitive business climate, you need to be where your customers are.
Major brands like Coca-Cola and Nike know this. Honda and Starbucks are excellent examples of brands utilizing social media to engage customers and build brand loyalty. But they’re not tackling social media on their own. And you don’t have to either.
Let Your Agency Worry About Time
One of the best ways to overcome your fears related to time is to work with an online marketing agency that understands the intricacies of the social media industry. A good agency will dispel your concerns about when to post Facebook updates and how many to produce during the day. You don’t have to think about what to say and when to say it because an agency can create an action schedule for social media activities.
Manage Your Brand’s Reputation
Often times social media relies on consumer input and cannot be tamed — but it can be managed. This is also something an online marketing agency can do for you. An agency can facilitate and moderate discussions for you, so you don’t have to worry about negative Facebook comments hurting your brand.
Where’s the ROI?
By creating a Facebook page, you are giving over 600 million people access to your brand – millions of which have never heard of you before. Millions of which will never see the ads you post on a billboards or publish in magazines. The opportunity for your company to translate Facebook promotions, contests, and coupons into income, is there and it’s real. An agency can work with you to develop campaigns to ensure your money is well spent.
Facebook Feedback
What are some of the reservations you have, if any, about opening or actively promoting a Facebook page for your company?