Feb 2012
Facebook Offers: Ushering in a New Era of Facebook Marketing?
By Janette Speyer and Alison Brown, Web Success Team
So long are the days of a Facebook that is free of advertisements. As Facebook gears up for becoming a public company, advertisement opportunities will only become more abundant. Since social media marketing is clearly becoming the frontrunner for being the most effective tool for reaching targeted audiences online, Facebook has not shied away from incorporating more engaging marketing opportunities. Facebook only recently entered the online marketing realm when it started offering third-party sponsored advertisements several years ago. Then just a couple weeks ago, transitioned towards including advertisements on more pages, such as when you click on Facebook pictures, a page pops out with additional advertisements in the bottom right corner. But now even more recently, Facebook has started to roll out an additional feature that takes consumer engagement to an entirely new level, and it’s called the “Facebook Offer”.
Benefits of Facebook Offers
For companies, Facebook Offer benefits are endless. By giving customers a chance to click on a redeemable coupon on their Facebook fan page, the potential for customer engagement increases by a very substantial amount. People love to save money and people love coupons. It will give customers a reason to visit your fan page and stay updated with your posts. People will want to learn about the newest offers, they will want to share them, and most importantly, they will want to use them.
Sharing Facebook Offers
The sharing of Facebook Offers are a bit different than the Deals feature, which Facebook had originally offered for fan pages. Offers are shared directly on a page like a status update or a shared photo instead of through an application, so it’s incorporated into the Facebook dashboard of first-party options. When friends claim an offer, it also shows up on their news feed to let their friends know about an offer they’ve redeemed. And of course, there will be the option to share or like the offer just as you are able to share or like a friend’s status update or link. Both sharing and liking will help boost the post’s visibility on the news feed, depending on how many likes or shares it has.
Claiming Offers
When you click to redeem an offer on Facebook, you don’t get it directly through Facebook. After you click to redeem an offer on a Facebook page, a pop-up window appears that confirms that you have redeemed the offer and it’s been sent to your email. If instructions on how to redeem the offer are needed, the pop-up window also explains what actions are needed on your part. Then you’ll get an email from Facebook, which has the offer embedded into the email. You then have the option to either print out the offer at home, or opt for the more environmentally friendly route and show the coupon to a sales representative on your mobile phone.
Viral Potential
This new feature has great potential for viral marketing. If you got 100 people to redeem your offer, and each person that redeemed your offer had at least 300 friends, that would mean that a total of 30,000 people could potentially gain visibility to the offer as well. The amplification effect can potentially cultivate a lot more fans for your company, and fans equal potential leads. While this new feature is still in the testing phase, it’s clear that it will be a huge win for both marketers and consumers. How did they not think of this sooner?
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