Flipboard Magazines

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How Smart Magazines Can Help Teachers and Students

We now live in unusual times. Businesses, Universities, and schools are moving all learning activities online. Many people struggle with this new concept. Those used to classroom settings are having trouble with time management and structure. All the technical data and tools are overwhelming to families and teachers. Where do you begin to simplify? Flipboard’s Smart Magazine feature is a powerful tool that allows you to collect topics into elegant magazines. You are able to select wha...

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Let’s Talk About Something Different – Flipboard ROI

Let’s face it - we all need to market our businesses and to stand out from the noise. Everywhere you turn there is saturation and overload. How on earth are you going to be seen? It’s time to explore Flipboard’s ROI. Try something different, try Flipboard! Flipboard is a digital magazine that emulates a traditional publication. The app curates from the web and organizes articles by topics. It offers a pleasant easy reading experience. With 145 million highly engaged readers, it’s...

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Finding the Right Content for Your Flipboard Magazines

It is amazing what Flipboard magazines can do for your business. This untapped resource has undiscovered potential. Hence the launching of #FlipBizChat to share ideas and concepts for future users looking for new branding and marketing solutions. In my last Twitter Chat session with Tawanna Browne Smith we discussed creating content for a Flipboard Magazine. As marketers, we are forever looking for new ways to promote our content. Here is a recap of the questions and some of your answers:...

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Welcome to #FlipBizChat

Do you love Flipboard? We do! Tawanna Browne Smith and I have teamed up to bring you #FlipBizChat — a fun and informative get-together on Twitter to explore creative ways to use this powerful app for your business and for your clients. There is an overwhelming amount of information on the Internet! Flipboard can organize your information, power up your business to reach more consumers, increase brand awareness and drive sales to their online channels! Let's build a community of ...

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An Effective Use of Flipboard – Using the App as a Blog

By Janette Speyer – Have you used Flipboard for blogging? Are you an influencer? Then, this article is for you. As many of you already know, I have been using this app for quite some time. — Mostly for curating articles and for branding client products. I am perpetually looking for new ways to make marketing more interesting.  So, I am trying the app as a blogging tool. I must clarify one thing first. Flipboard is not designed as WordPress or Medium application. It is more of a cur...

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