Influencer Marketing

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Build Your Brand for 2021

This has been quite a year! The good news – it’s almost over!As we expect more closures for the holidays, it's time to consider how to keep your brand in front of your consumers.Are wondering how to address your audience during this holiday season? Here are a few suggestions to make the best of everything.Add that Human Touch:To give your brand a human touch, associate your products and services to a relatable experience. Tap into a lifestyle and a culture. Do this by creating an environment...

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Live Streamers Are the New Brand Influencers!

By Janette Speyer Want to get your brand in front of a new audience? Podcasters, Webcasters and Live Streamers are your answer! They are the 2018 influencers. There is so much noise all over the Internet and brands are struggling to stand out above the crowded space. Part of my job is to look for alternative sources to offer my clients. I have been tracking a few web shows for quite some time now. These newcomers have grassroots shows with audiences that love to watch them and are growing in...

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Flipboard’s Update Is a Real Game Changer.

Last week Flipboard launched a very important update. One that will make you think twice about the app. It’s a self-service program that helps publishers be discovered on the platform. If you are looking to get more visitors to your website, now is the time to get on Flipboard and submit your RSS feed! Along with this update, they also rolled out the Reader Enhanced Display (RED Bolt) for mobile-optimized pages. A little lightning symbol will appear next to articles on Flipboard. This wi...

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Welcome to #FlipBizChat

Do you love Flipboard? We do! Tawanna Browne Smith and I have teamed up to bring you #FlipBizChat — a fun and informative get-together on Twitter to explore creative ways to use this powerful app for your business and for your clients. There is an overwhelming amount of information on the Internet! Flipboard can organize your information, power up your business to reach more consumers, increase brand awareness and drive sales to their online channels! Let's build a community of ...

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An Effective Use of Flipboard – Using the App as a Blog

By Janette Speyer – Have you used Flipboard for blogging? Are you an influencer? Then, this article is for you. As many of you already know, I have been using this app for quite some time. — Mostly for curating articles and for branding client products. I am perpetually looking for new ways to make marketing more interesting.  So, I am trying the app as a blogging tool. I must clarify one thing first. Flipboard is not designed as WordPress or Medium application. It is more of a cur...

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