Cyber Monday: Bigger than Black Friday!

Cyber Monday is a term coined by retailers to capitalize on the shopping season and is traditionally known as the strongest day for online retail sales and web success. Point of fact, it is also generating more sales than in-store purchases, making it bigger than Black Friday.

Cyber Monday is the traditional “kick-off” to the online shopping season. This year sales could exceed $900 million, making this the biggest day for online retailers according to the Dow Jones and Com Score. Sales rose 14% this year over last year’s haul and bought 30% more items per order as well.

Online shopping is a juggernaut that is here to stay. Be it convenience, time and cost savings, shoppers are rabid for deals. Couple this with the fact that Monday is a workday, imagine the lost productivity as shoppers take advantage of the Internet bargains.

Social Media Fuels Cyber Monday Sales

Retailers are capitalizing on this consumer onslaught by leveraging social media to drive sales, using their Facebook Fan pages and their Twitter accounts to offer huge discounts. Here are some Facebook page examples: Cyber Monday offering holiday deals for more than 700 merchants with “Deals of the Week” and “Deals of the Hour;” JC Penny offering huge discounts for Cyber Monday; and Wal-Mart with savings from their website on electronics, toys and groceries.

According to the Wichita Business Journal: “Electronics retailers will be the big winners during this holiday season with: Amazon had the most visits on Friday, up 28 percent from last year. Wal-Mart, Target, Apple and Best Buy, all of which have multiple stores in Wichita, were among the most popular sites. Apple’s traffic was up 39 percent from last year, the biggest year-over-year gain among most-visited sites.”

And since online holiday shopping is just kicking off expect more of the same great deals as we progress to Christmas, and the after-Christmas sales to build even more momentum.

Capitalize on the Power of Social Media Marketing

If you still are underestimating the power of Social Media, think again and use all the tools that the web has to offer you to build your business online. The Web Success Team can you promote your business through the Power of Social Media Marketing. Contact us today and we’ll show you how to build an effective network to sell your products and services.

TeamWork Builds Web Success

The Web Success Team specializes in building and marketing direct response websites that take full advantage of the latest developments on the Internet. The Team has an arsenal of effective web strategies, online tools and proven techniques to promote your products and services. And we’ll show you ways to increase the amount of qualified traffic to your site through expanding social media and online marketing strategies.

For more tips, tools and articles of interest, become a fan of the WebSuccessTeam Facebook Page and learn more about online marketing, SEO and social media.

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