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10 Creative Content Ideas for Social Media Marketing

Everyone gets writer’s block from time to time. It’s easy to get stuck and run out of ideas about what topics to write. If more content means more business, then you want to avoid getting stuck! One way to do this is to make a checklist of content ideas that can help you be more effective. (more…)

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Simple Tricks to Get Flipboard Traffic to Your Website

Everyone can use more website traffic! I am often asked about Flipboard traffic these days. The number one question is “How do I get traffic from Flipboard to my website?” In the past 5 years, I’ve been doing some experimenting and discovery and I’m finding that Flipboard is a powerhouse when it comes to sending traffic to your website. Both B2B and B2C companies can benefit. In this article, I’d like to share a few simple tricks to send the referral traff...

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Putting Out the Fire: Why You Need a Reputation Policy in Place.

How it happened and Why it's important to have a reputation policy. Our client was getting ugly complaints from all over social media. Not from a troll per se, but from an influencer who only wanted “certain” people to partake in her product giveaway on behalf of our client. That being said, our agency works diligently at building a solid online presence for our clients. We were proud of the traction and the visibility this brand was getting. Suddenly, we got an urgent phone call. We...

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Nurture Your Business, Nurture Your Success!

My business is my baby! Like many of us do with our children, it was in serious need of an education. That Said…Where Do I Begin? I was not quite sold on the idea of a business coach or a mentor. I believed that hard work would make me successful. YES, and NO! Ok, I admit it, I needed some help. I had no idea what that help looked like until…. The first time I saw Lisa Nichols, she was dancing with my daughter on her social media profile!!! Now she caught my interest, so I Goog...

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Finding the Right Content for Your Flipboard Magazines

It is amazing what Flipboard magazines can do for your business. This untapped resource has undiscovered potential. Hence the launching of #FlipBizChat to share ideas and concepts for future users looking for new branding and marketing solutions. In my last Twitter Chat session with Tawanna Browne Smith we discussed creating content for a Flipboard Magazine. As marketers, we are forever looking for new ways to promote our content. Here is a recap of the questions and some of your answers:...

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