A New “Breed” of Bloggers Make a Social Marketing Impact

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A New “Breed” of Bloggers Make a Social Marketing Impact

By Bob Speyer, Web Success Team –

We all know the marketing power Mom Bloggers have in promoting brands and influencing consumers. However, flying under the marketing radar are Pet Bloggers who are just now making an impact with marketers whose major focus should be the health and welfare of our pets.

Pet owners want to be part of community for their breed and want to be informed about their pet’s health in the areas of nutrition, vaccinations, inclinations, problems and simply how best to read a pet food label. A hot topic among bloggers and pet owners is training. Since we are mainly focusing on cats and dogs in this article, there is growing interest in positive-reinforcement training.

The importance of Pet Communities

The main purpose of pet blogging is to create communities where there is a healthy exchange of information concerning pets of all breeds and to connect with each other to share experiences. Social Media is all about relationship building and Pet Bloggers fill that niche nicely. Pet owners trust their bloggers more than manufacturers trying to push product in a cluttered marketplace. Using Pet Bloggers as brand advocates is smart marketing and soft sell that pet owners respond more positively.

What matters most to pet owners?

Because there is so much misinformation about pet food, pet owners are very appreciative of brands that help them understand pet nutrition. Some pet owners are so mistrustful, they either make their own pet food or are very loyal to one specific brand of products.

Influence Marketing

Pet Bloggers have credibility because they are pet lovers first and readers take their advice and bloggers their product endorsements serious consideration. They will not just recommend a brand. They will talk to the brand’s representatives and exchange views before sharing their product messages. Readers have a high confidence in their Pet Blogger of choice. If they recommend a product, consumers follow and buy that product or brand. Pet Bloggers wield tremendous influence and can impact pet sales.

Where Pet Bloggers influence is greatest felt among their readers is not so much in pet food, rather pet toys and treats as long as they are not made in China. As you may know, China had a big pet food recall recently.

In the Final Analysis:

In polling Pet Bloggers, the number one issue is respect. They feel marketers overlook them for “Mom Bloggers”. They are moms as well, but pet owners FIRST! The brands that reach out to Pet Bloggers and offer them a place at the marketing table will be out of the proverbial dog house and have an advantage over their competition.

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