“Miss” America – Tweeting the Good and the Controversial

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“Miss” America – Tweeting the Good and the Controversial

By Bob Speyer, Web Success Team –

In this Age of Enlightenment where thoughts and images flow instantly around the globe and through our consciousness in 140 characters or less, something is amiss. Miss America has had its share of controversy – from married, not single and feminist agendas to swimsuit contest or not – Twitter has added a digital layer to this most hallowed institution.

As we all know Twitter and tweets can be very controversial. We have seen all forms of emotional expression from countries all over the world. There is nothing like the being able to have a voice and a loud one that can make people truly come out of their shell and express themselves – rightfully or wrongfully.

#MissAmerica and a Nation of “Characters”

Often one has to be ones own filter. In the case of last week’s Miss America Contest 2013, Twitter has weighed in to the fray.

What really was trending on Twitter today and yesterday was the Miss America contest (#MissAmerica) and the fact that the newly crowned winner, Nina Davuluri, was of Indian and Muslim heritage.

Here are a few sample tweets:

  • “And the Arab wins Miss America. Classic.”
  • “How the @#!& does a foreigner win Miss America? She is a Arab!”
  • “Egypt dancing? This is America.”
  • “Nice slap in the face to the people of 9-11 how pathetic”
  • “Congratulations Al-Qaeda. Our Miss America is one of you.”
  • “Miss America or Miss 7-11”
  • “Man our president nor our new Miss America isn’t even American I’m sorry but Miss Kansas I salute you, you’re the real American”

Freedom from Speech – Twitter or Twit

Twitter, love or be wary of it. Never-the-less it is a window to our hearts and minds. At the very least it can be a yardstick on expression. Love to hear your thoughts!

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