Feb 2014
In Moms We Trust – Strategic Marketing Via Bloggers
By Janette Speyer ––
Do you work with bloggers? Are you not quite sure they are a fit for your company? Many of our clients have an initial knee jerk reaction to the term “Mom Blogger.” We tell them all that it’s only a matter of time before they too will jump on the bandwagon. By ignoring this powerful marketing avenue you are loosing a huge opportunity to build viral impressions for your brand.
Make no mistake and do NOT undermine a #MomBlogger, they are entrepreneurs, businesswomen, visionaries and yes, just like you and me, they are parents and homemakers too. As purchasing decision makers, moms have a far-reaching voice on the Internet. Media, PR and advertising agencies are finally listening and showing some respect for their ability to communicate the voice and tone of a brand.
An important segment of our online marketing efforts consists of reaching out to bloggers to help promote our client’s products and services. We have never been disappointed and our clients are pleasantly surprised.
How Does All this “Influence” Work for My Brand?
Usually a blogger will review a product, offer a giveaway or write both at the same time. They will typically ask for two products or product packages, one to give and one to keep for themselves so they can try out and sample. Many will simply go ahead and blog about your item without any further compensation. If you have the good fortune of working with top blogger once the posting starts, sit back and watch the results.
Let the Viral Traffic Begin
Did I also mention that it doesn’t end there? According to an article in PunchBowlTrends:
“Moms are 20% more likely to use social media than the average person”.
And socialize they do! Once that blog post is up, they will share it on all their social platforms thus tripling traffic to your social channels and giving you viral traffic and impressions.
According to a study published in Market Research World:
“26% trust what friends and family members say in blog posts, 25% trust their posts on social media sites and 20% trust their tweets.”
Four Mom Blogger Engagement Methods:
1. Blogger Networks
Many mom bloggers have networks of influencers that can add even more visibility for your products and services. These groups are just starting to crop up and they offer reasonable and flexible pricing for the amount of exposure they create for your brand.
2. Facebook Tagging Builds Relationships
Once a blogger posts a giveaway or a review they turn to Facebook to “tag” and share the article. Facebook is the favored platform to build relationships. If a blogger is an influencer, she (he) will get significant engagement therefore creating more impressions for your product.
3. Twitter Parties Sell
Twitter is another from of blogging. Some tweet cast parties can garner around 3M impressions and reach thousands of accounts. There are two types of parties those hosted by a blogger like @MomsAndBrands and tweet chats that involve a paid sponsorship. Either way this kind of exposure is like “word of mouth” on steroids.
4. Pinterest Influencers Show and Tell
Pinterest is becoming a platform of choice for Mom Bloggers. It has provided a forum for visual self-expression and is the premium choice for all do it yourself family ideas. Mom bloggers share ideas with each other and most of the time they revolve around a favorite brand. Think of the opportunities!
In Moms We Definitely Trust
If you want to generate brand awareness for your products, there is no better way to socially engage than tapping into the Mom Bloggersphere. They are honest, sincere and a force for good. They promote products and services they believe in for their families and friends. Tapping into this segment is a brand marketing win-win.
Have you managed any campaigns with #mom bloggers? To continue the discussion, follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.