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Freedom of Expression Should NOT Get You killed!

By, Janette Speyer I am not a journalist. I run a business and subsequently with a weekly blog. I usually stay away from controversial topics. But today, tomorrow and always “I am Charlie!” In the wake of the attack on the French weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo, I felt compelled to write this post. I just recently returned from Paris, “the city of lights”, a couple of weeks ago and was stunned to read about the murders. The very essence of our freedom was compromised and I thought...

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Digital Diversity in the Big Apple

By Bob Speyer, Web Success Team –  New York City is famous for its diversity; just hop in a cab and guess your driver’s nationality. Visit Little Italy, Chinatown, Harlem / Spanish Harlem… the list is as long and appetizing as a NYC menu. Because diversity in the workplace is an important dialogue for who we are as a society, Hot Ice Media attended Digital Diversity Network Content Strategy Salon (#DDNO) sponsored by Viacom. The evening’s focus was a panel of industry heavyweight...

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