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Social Media Metrics Made Simple

By Janette Speyer, Web Success Team –I am often asked to include an interpretation of Twitter engagement in our monthly reports to our clients. Most of the time it is hard for people to gauge the return on investment of a simple feed. Our projects at the agency include working with bloggers and brand ambassadors at an event, trade show or for a brand launch. When we complete a campaign, we examine interactions, engagement and impressions. This is how we determine the success of a product. T...

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THREE Marketing Benefits from Facebook’s New Insights

By Janette Speyer, Web Success Team –  If you are using Facebook for your branded pages you probably have already noticed that there is a new set of insights that offer great marketing benefits. This actionable, powerful and simple tool allows marketers to better understand their audiences, therefore making it easier fine-tune their messages. In this article, will go over some of the most useful functions. 1. The Overview Tab provides a snapshot of the last 7 days of the data happening ...

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What’s New at Facebook – More Influence, More Control!

By Janette Speyer, Web Success Team – In the last couple of days Facebook has unveiled a new platform that promises advertisers more influence. This will have a strong impact on your brand’s exposure and give you far more control over your goals and objectives. Everybody knows at this point that Facebook’s Open Graph selective process has made it almost impossible to have your posts shown to your visitors. This has forced many a brand to turn to Facebook’s advertising model to get ...

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