Mar 2013
9 Easy Marketing Tips to Boost Your Tweet Reach
By Bob and Janette Speyer, Web Success Team
Imagine… Twitter is 7 years old. In social media years, it’s like Dog Years (a robust 49). With billions of tweets, Twitter is a marketing force that is difficult to ignore. Marketers are finding new and creative ways to make Twitter a larger part of their online efforts. Below are 9 tips that can boost your effectiveness in delivering your messages:
1. Twitter is an “humanized” extension of your brand.
Twitter is a powerful branding tool. Your Twitter handle should relate to your brand name and you should use your logo for your Twitter picture. That said, you should always “humanize” your brand on Twitter. You are not just a corporate entity, but a company made of people, not “policy”.
2. Sizing Your Photo.
A common error is making your profile images too big. Twitter images are small: 81 x 81 pixels and a header image should be 520 x 260 pixels.
3. Make your Tweets personal.
All work and no play makes your Tweets generic. Of course you want to promote your products and services and sell. But you don’t want to bore your customers. Your tweets should be peppered with some unique, fun and engaging messages, articles and links that people will want to retweet.
4. Customer Service is important
Twitter is a good listening board to find out what customers think of your brand, products and services. They will candidly tell you if they are happy or have had a bad experience. Don’t ignore these messages. Praise the fans and address the grumps by responding quickly to their questions or concerns. You can turn a unhappy customer into a fan with a little TLC (Twitter Loving Care).
5. Clever use of hashtags.
Hashtags are an excellent way to categorize your messages and make it easier for fellow Twitterers to search for tweets. Create special hashtags for your events or products. It’s a way to get special marketing attention to your brand.
6. Twitter etiquette.
Think before you bleat or tweet. You may react or overreact to a particular tweet, whether it is talking about politics, the competition or voicing your personal opinions about sensitive topics. A good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t say it in front of a client, you probably shouldn’t repeat it on Twitter. Too reactive tweets are best kept to yourself.
7. The relevance of analytics to your marketing campaign.
Twitter doesn’t offer internal analytics for the average user, Tweriod and Followerwonk can help track geography of followers and hours they are most active. TweetReach is another tracking program that will give you impressions; how many accounts received your tweets and who is influencing the conversation about your brand, product or service.
8. Tweet cleaning.
Periodically one of your goals should be to do some housecleaning. Consider unfollowing low-quality accounts including people who ignore you, don’t follow you back and of course spammers. FriendFollow is a service that can aid this process.
9. Twitter insurance.
This is critical. Hackers are everywhere. Insure your valuable twitter account is not hacked. Changing your passwords often using a combination of numbers, caps, lower case, letters and symbols at random is cheap insurance.
If you have any further Twitter tips you would like to share, let’s hear from you @websuccess or @websuccessteam.
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March 27th, 2013 13:38 /
Hi Janette and Bob,
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