Sep 2010
A conversation about the REAL WORLD of Social Media
By Janette Speyer, Web Success Team
As always we are the pursuit of success for our clients. I want to share this conversation I had with my colleague Marci Rosenblum regarding the use and abuse of Social Media Platforms for branding and selling services on the web.
Janette: Is Social Media really dead? How come it’s so hard to get results.
Marci: Social Media is not good enough on it’s own. That’s why I always recommend a good website with sound SEO.
Janette: Yes I agree.
Marci: You can’t build a brand on a third party platform.
Janette: Yes, it’s becoming apparent that you need more than just Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.
Marci: Social Media is just another part of the marketing puzzle. It works in tandem with other marketing efforts.
Janette: I guess as a general rule we should recommend online and offline marketing for a complete spread.
Marci: It’s imperative to keep up-to-date with the latest SEO practices and apply them for all of our clients. An optimized website, good keywords, with a blog, a good PR campaign and a Social Media Strategy is just the beginning in the creation of brand awareness.
Janette: You can’t just build a brand alone with a quarter page newspaper ad. It’s like an orchestra playing with just a violin.
Marci: It should be obvious with your analytics. There should be balanced numbers from traffic for search, referral and other. Read this: Why Are Social Behaviors Plateauing? — Forrester Blogs https://bit.ly/dvdL9J
The Conclusion: Social Media is today’s reality. But in order to get the most mileage out of your social networking, you need to have an effective website with relevant keywords with strong calls to action. Your website is still the star of the show.
About Marci Rosenblum: Marci is a Web Traffic Consultant, SEO Specialist, Internet Marketer, Social Media Strategist, and award winning Website Designer with over 25 years experience. You can follow Marci at .
September 30th, 2010 17:16 /
It is very important to consider all relevant marketing tools when planning and implementing a marketing program. Nothing replaces testing and that means there needs to be tracking.
Enjoyed the discussion
Thank you
September 30th, 2010 17:25 /
Thank you, Steve for the input. 100% agree with you on testing. It is so important and it gives us essential information. Sadly not many clients have the budget.