Targeted Blog Content to Generate Leads

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Targeted Blog Content to Generate Leads


Bob Speyer and Alison Brown, Web Success Team

Generating leads is the most important reason to blog and use social media, but using online marketing to promote your business only works if you take advantage of all the tools available. Writing blog articles, circulating them, and being active on social media platforms are all ways to build brand awareness, but when it comes to blogging, it’s important that you are aware of how to increase your ROI.

Content Effectiveness – Web Success Team

If you publish blogs that are irrelevant to your field or don’t include critical keywords, you could be wasting your time. On the other hand, if you do include keywords that will show up on search engines, not only will you increase visibility to your site, but also attract potential new clients. In addition, this article will help you focus in on and target customers through creative content creation and effective blog management.

Keyword Optimization

Online marketing and social media strategies rely heavily on the use of keywords for search engine optimization. For example, if you have a landscape design firm, you want to ensure that you use as many keywords as you can that pertain to your business, otherwise your articles are never going to be found by search engines. You can use keywords directly in your articles, or you can also use meta-tags, which are invisible to the reader and are imbedded into the article so that search engines will recognize them. Also, if you are having trouble coming up with keywords, you can use Google’s Keyword Research tool to locate new phrases or additional keywords that people are using to search your type of business.

Blogging for Business Leads

According to HubSpot, their research shows that “companies with blogs get 55% more website traffic, and that number goes up exponentially whether you post once a week, twice a week, and then up to several times a day.” The more relevant information you circulate, the more you will look like an expert to customers. When you become an expert in your field, people will begin to trust you more and maybe even recommend your company to others. Even though when you blog, you are giving away free advice, you are drawing people to your webpage and building brand awareness, which can generate leads.

5 Ways to Maximize Your Content Creation Effectiveness

Blog posts need to reach your target audience, using a blend of creativity, relevancy, unpredictability, timeliness and humor (tasteful of course!). Here is a list of ideas to increase your blog reach and effectiveness:

  1. Use Multi-Media: Create a how to video; use info-graphics to summarize your post; share a cartoon.
  2. Helpful Tips and How-To’s: People react to lists – faster to read and digest; write benefits, common mistakes, how-to article with step-by-step instructions; pitfalls to avoid.
  3. Take Advantage of Existing Content: share an excerpt from an article, eBook, webinar or white paper with a call to action; share conference take-a-ways; make an opinion about someone’s article and support your opposite opinion with examples.
  4. Promote Research Findings: people love statistics and “proof”; it helps position you as well read and on top of your industry; offer your own perspective to initiate conversation; initiate a survey through Survey Monkey
  5. Add Expert Voices to Yours: the more you can offer your readers access to experts, the more diverse and credible you become; interview an expert and post the blog; feature guest posts from experts in your industry;

How to Get Something in Return

Maximizing your ROI is important since you are probably spending a lot of time, energy and manpower coming up with interesting and relevant topics to blog about, not to mention writing the articles and circulating them. Even though it is a time intensive process that involves giving away free advice, you should make sure that you include calls-to-action at the end of each article you post. That way, you can make sure that you are engaging your audience and turn those prospects into clients. One idea for a call-to-action would be offering them a related eBook that you wrote about a topic similar to the one they just read about. That way, they are even further engaged with you and one step closer to becoming a customer.

Circulate, Circulate, Circulate!

Once you have created the content, it’s important to share it with your social networks, and share it often. The more often people in your networks see your name, the more likely they will be to think of you before a potential competitor. Also, social media has now become integrated with search engines, so any Tweets or public Facebook updates will show up in searches as long as they contain relevant keywords. Finally, the more often you share these updates on various social media platforms, the more likely they will be to show up in searches.

Have you had luck generating leads by taking advantage of blogging and social media? If so, we welcome your comments to share with our readership!


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