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Expo West – A Social Media Feeding Frenzy

By Bob Speyer -- Social Media Marketing and PR could well be the main ingredient at Expo West as exhibitors jockey for the hearts and minds of attendees as well as keeping everybody connected. Creating pre-show buzz, during the three days of Expo and of course the all important follow-up posts show could well determine how much exposure you can get for your brand. Natural Products Expo West continues to be the leading trade show in the natural, organic and healthy products industry, attr...

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Facebook “Likes” – Quality vs Quantity

By Bob and Janette Speyer, Web Success Team -- How important is a Facebook “like”, really? As social media marketing becomes more mainstream brands still put a very high value on “likes” and “follows” as a measure of an agency’s performance. But is this a benchmark for a campaign’s success? Therein lies the question. Take for example a branded page with 3,000 likes that has almost all its followers engaging in conversations, sharing, participating and building a buzz around...

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The Coming of Age of Social Media in 2014

By Bob Speyer, Web Success Team ––  It’s always fun to make New Year’s Resolutions and Predictions of hot trends for 2014. Some things are easier to predict like earthquakes, the weather and even global warming – others topics are not so “predictable” like human behavior and the stock market! All kidding aside, it’s my turn to chime in to what to look forward to in the coming new year. Social Media – from fringe to mainstream Businesses have finally realized that the eyes...

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The 10 Commandments of Social Media

By Bob Speyer, Web Success Team ––  I was participating in #socialchat a tweet chat that runs every Monday with social media professionals and the topic was Managing Your Social Communities. The conversation inspired me to write this post about the rules in social media. As the industry develops and social media agencies grow, we need a set of rules to live and work by. I did some research to get a general idea of what is important in our field to honor and obey. Sharing the 10 social m...

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How Selfies Can Boost Your Brand This Holiday Season!

By Janette Speyer, Web Success Team ––  Selfies have become all the rage in 2013. They even have a place in our society with a reference in the Oxford Dictionary as the international word of the year. You probably know what a selfie is by now, but just in case you have never heard of such a thing. Here is how it appears in the Dictionary: “A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smart phone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website” ~ Oxford ...

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