Burger King Twitter Hacked: Good or Bad for Branding?

By Janette Speyer  Insane things can happen in the social media world, which is why many brands are terrified and rightfully so. Burger King’s twitter account got hijacked yesterday. Not only did they change the timeline to look like McDonalds, the anonymous invaders propagated their stream with strange references to drugs and perverted humor. (more…)

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Creating a Social Buzz for the Movies

      By Janette Speyer and Katrina McNeill As an online marketer, there might be no better feeling than putting your content out there and watching it create a buzz. So how do marketers do it? For focus sake, and with the academy awards just around the corner, let’s discuss movie marketing and what one does to market movies successfully online. Find your common ground Online, you can count on people linking with others who are similar to them; they tend to for...

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