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It’s a Small World, Let’s Stay “Remotely” Connected

I am sitting in an airport lounge. My plane is about to leave and I pull out my phone to send a quick text and to check my email. I look up and scan the room. I notice that I am not alone. Everyone here is on some sort of a handheld device trying to stay connected and working hard. Today’s reality is that most people now can travel and never leave their desk. The 9 to 5 job is no longer the case. This makes for an interesting world. Once that I wish existed when I started my business. How ...

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Losing Sales to Cart Abandonment — Promote to Increase Conversion

The Problem: “If you build it, the will come!” — but will they stay and push the submit button. The reality is that the majority of people going to your shopping cart will leave without purchasing. Some may “believe” they will return but don’t always. So what can you do to change shoppers’ behavior to induce them to purchase or contact you to request more information. The Solution: Engage shoppers with on-site promotions to influence their decisions. Everyone has a Pavlovian res...

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LinkedIn Has the PULSE on Connecting NEWS

By Bob Speyer, Web Success Team –  The Empire State Building may not be the tallest building in NYC (that honor goes to the newly minted Freedom Tower) but it definitely has the distinction of being “high” tech, playing host to LinkedIn. It has been over a year since LinkedIn acquired Pulse, a mobile news reading application that claims over 30 million users. By focusing on personalized news, LinkedIn has made a serious commitment to engage users with content. There is no better way...

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