The New Online Marketing Agency

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The New Online Marketing Agency



By Janette Speyer, Web Success Team

Is it so much different than a Traditional Advertising Agency?

If you were to hire a “social media company” or an ” SEO guy” would you know what you are hiring?

I have worked in advertising for many decades and I have seen changes come and go but when I drill down to basics it all looks the same to me.

Traditional vs Online Marketing ~ Web Success Team


Advertising and Marketing: It’s about how you are going to deliver your message. The new age online marketing agency will still remind you a lot of Mad Men without the liquor. We will still have the following:

The Media Department: the traditional advertising agency buys media for ad placement to get visibility. The digital agency uses social media platforms to spread the word.

The Creative Department: A traditional agency hires copywriters to come up with awesome one-liners, to sell product on TV, radio and print. The digital agency hires content creators to write blogs and awesome one-liners to post on Facebook and YouTube and on your website’s blog; as well as 140 characters to deliver your message on Twitter. You need a person with blue hair on fire that now looks like a geek.

The Research Department: Research is research. We need it in this business. You still need a geek for this job.

The Number Crunching Department: A traditional advertising agency relied on Nielsen and Forrester reports to name a few. A digital agency uses analytics to measure traffic and engagement. You still need a geek for this job.

The Account Management Department: In a traditional advertising agency they wore suits and had long lunches. A digital agency is tethered to iPhones and conducts Call-to-Meetings. You no longer need a suit but a Starbucks personal cup will come in handy.

The Measure of Success: At the end of the day, or the campaign, it still boils down to results. How many impressions did the campaign draw; did the phone ring or the orders pour in? In the digital agency world, success is measured in eyeballs, engagement, likes on Facebook and traffic to a website.

It’s a Brave New World and someone has to manipulate it!

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