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How to Use the NEW Flipboard 3.0 to Market Your Business

By Janette SpeyerLast week when I visited the Flipboard headquarters in Palo Alto, I realized that this simple mobile application is quite a lot more than a pretty face. According to Techcrunch it already boasts 100 million downloads. With the addition of customized topics it is now a force in the digital space. What Is Flipboard? Flipboard is a mobile app that helps you create magazines by curating articles from the Internet that relate to a chosen topic (i.e. Food, Sports, etc...). It is als...

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Are Beacons the Next BIG BROTHER Shopping Experience?

By Bob and Janette Speyer, Web Success Team – The Scenario: A shopper walks into a store. Wham, their phone is abuzz with an in-store promotion; a coupon, a special sale, an on-the-spot reward or a loyal customer benefit. It’s the ultimate in spontaneous customer engagement and enhances the personal shopping experience. The Technology: You’ve just been zapped by a Beacon! It’s the latest marketing technology that precisely targets a customer at a specific location. Beacons are low-p...

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Face-to-Face Business in a Virtual World

Written By Katrina McNeill and Janette Speyer — In our virtual world, “face-to-face” no longer means in-person meetings. There is a lot of value in putting a face to a voice, as it brings a personal connection which is thought to help build trust. So what virtual alternatives are savvy businessmen and women using in this digital age? Vsnap – The New Communication Messaging Vsnap or YouTube both give you the ability to send a personalized video message. A personal connection is inval...

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The Five Best Mobile Apps For Simplifying Your Life

Written By Katrina McNeill and Janette Speyer Who doesn't want as many ways as possible to make their lives a little easier? Well, you are in luck because there are some truly great mobile apps out there that can help to streamline your busy days! Here are our top five… Linquet Definitely head over to the Linquet website to help you visualize what it is. This tiny, useful little loss prevention device could save you from the stress of losing your valuables. Simply attach a Linqu...

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