How Selfies Can Boost Your Brand This Holiday Season!

By Janette Speyer, Web Success Team ––  Selfies have become all the rage in 2013. They even have a place in our society with a reference in the Oxford Dictionary as the international word of the year. You probably know what a selfie is by now, but just in case you have never heard of such a thing. Here is how it appears in the Dictionary: “A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smart phone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website” ~ Oxford ...

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Doing Ecommerce on Instagram Kuwaiti Style!

By Bob Speyer, Web Success Team Necessity is the mother of all invention. Why use a website, eBay or a storefront when you can use Instagram to sell your products. In Kuwait, Instagram is how business is done. It’s fast, efficient and effective – for their marketplace. I came across an article by Cory Chapman who wrote about the use of Instagram in Kuwait. I thought I would share some of my own observations: Instagram is a boom to Kuwait’s economy. They are selling all man...

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Make Your Blog Sizzle with the Right Images

        By Janette Speyer and Katrina McNeill ~ Web Success Team As a marketer, you also take on the role of a storyteller. This is because your audience needs to be pulled in, in addition to being encouraged to engage with your business. One great way to engage your audience quickly and tell a story, is with images. Your blog is a perfect place to utilize images as a story. I was on #blogchat, a well respected tweetchat last Sunday and the topic was “Images for yo...

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