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Host a Virtual Event & Build Strong Business Connections: Part I

Big trade shows are a thing of the past. Zoom and online meets are the "New Normal". Now is the best time to maintain connections and to build a strong community. Since business is still slow or at a standstill, many are suffering from fear, anxiety, illness, income, and profit loss. Make the best of your online community connections and organize a virtual trade show and retain some sense of normalcy.This article will demonstrate how to put forth an action plan for your next online event. I’l...

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Mindvalley, A New Approach to Learning!

I spent the weekend at the Mindvalley Reunion in San Diego. What is this? Mindvalley is a company based in Malaysia that offers out of the box learning experiences. Visionary founder Vishen Lakhiani finds the best authors in personal growth, health, fitness, productivity to bring these lessons to approximately 3 million students worldwide. They had me at worldwide! I am a world citizen. When I am not traveling the world, I am thinking about traveling the world. So when Mindvalley offered t...

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Welcome to #FlipBizChat

Do you love Flipboard? We do! Tawanna Browne Smith and I have teamed up to bring you #FlipBizChat — a fun and informative get-together on Twitter to explore creative ways to use this powerful app for your business and for your clients. There is an overwhelming amount of information on the Internet! Flipboard can organize your information, power up your business to reach more consumers, increase brand awareness and drive sales to their online channels! Let's build a community of ...

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Tweeting from the Trenches: Use Twitter to Give Your Event that Buzz

By Janette Speyer, Web Success Team –  Are you planning to host an event to promote your services? In today’s digital environment, a solid percentage of almost any audience will be a Twitter user. Our job as an agency is to create conversations and engagement for our brands with the objective of garnering an interest for guest and attendees. In this post I will share some of the techniques we use to “buzz up” your event.   2-Weeks Prior to the Event – Setting the Stage This is t...

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Eating our way through Natural Products ExpoWest 2013

  WOW! What a trade show. Amazing products, great energy (drinks) and too much health all in one place. It was a marathon 3-day-fest, but if you wilted, you got an instant pick-me-up. The Natural Products ExpoWest in Anaheim was a smashing success with over 70,000 attendees and several thousand exhibitors on three floors with products ranging from power bars, health drinks, green cleaning products, beauty aids and food – chopped, fried, baked, juiced – vegan, vegetarian and carniv...

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